About the Committee

The Southold Town 9/11 Committee is a “committee by community”: private volunteers who live in our community and are dedicated to never forgetting the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The committee, which has no political or governmental affiliation, has planned annual memorials for September 11th starting in 2011, when the current memorial sculpture, “Morning Call,” originally commissioned and installed in Greenport NY, was moved and donated to the Town of Southold by the Miller family and installed in the Joan Cochran town park. Many local organizations, schools, and businesses participate in the memorial every year. The committee is completely funded through the financial contributions of its members, as well as through generous donations by community businesses and private individuals. If you are interested in joining the 9/11 committee, or would like to make a donation, please contact:

TraceySue Orlando, Chair

Southold Town 9/11 Committee

305 Brook Lane

Southold NY 11971


Tracey Orlando with documentary producer and 13 year Girl Scout Ellie Alloway